Jennafer Ross
How did you get started in the events industry?
Like anyone that has been in this industry for 15+ years, we fell into it, by chance. Hospitality & Tourism Management degrees were certainly not a degree from when I was in college. I remember having a textbook in college that my dad would call "Sliding Board 101" the real title was Outdoor Recreation and my degree program was Leisure/ Sport Management. They would joke and ask me what I would do with that someday. I only wish my dad could see me now.
What was it like over the past 2 years during covid for you personally and professionally?
Anyone who knows me well, knows I am not a quitter and that I do not like being told I cannot do something. So, COVID was someone else telling me what I could not do as far as live face to face meetings. So we did, what we do best and found a solution to keep moving forward. OUR TEAM IS BEYOND RESILIENT. We laughed really hard, got creative, we shed some tears, we learned a lot about ourselves and came out the other side stronger personally and professionally.
What did you learn about yourself and the industry?
THAT I CAN. I can do what needs to be done to make "it" happen. I learned that our industry is stronger together and forging relationships and providing support is just in our nature. It takes a certain kind of person to do what we do and surrounding ourselves with those like - minded people makes us stronger.
What would you do if you were NOT in the events industry?
Honestly, I have no idea. I have been a planner more than half my lifetime. Possibly, be a parent advocate for school age kids with IEPs - navigating that world and fighting for our kids education needs when they do not "fit inside the box". Parents needs a support system to help navigate that space.
What do you do in your spare time?
You mean, aside from managing JR Global Events and Events On Call? Spare time... hmmmm.... I LOVE to travel and explore new places and meet new people. During COVID i started to teach myself to knit. Yes, KNIT! Someday (not anytime soon) I might have something that looks like a blanket.